Monday is Here
I made it back home for Goshen with a van full of the belongings I left behind just two and a half months ago. Packing up didn’t feel strange though. What felt strange was being back in a place that I once was such apart of and not having much more of a reason to be there than to visit friends and professors. But, it was a lot of fun. I got to stay with my roommate and hang out at the house I lived in at the beginning of the school year. It was so much fun just to sit down and talk with so many people I haven’t seen since my life changed. Simply talking with those I don’t see very often and yet are supporting me so much was the best part of my trip. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see everyone I wanted, but I will be back.
Right now I am feeling so good and yet in the back of my mind I know the time is wearing thin until my body will hit the bricks of chemo. Monday it is back to the hospital to receive all three chemos. Last time I received my VAC, while my body still felt tired and out of it my stomach ach went away by Wednesday, which helped me to feel a lot better than previous VAC recoveries. My prayer requests for this coming week, and what I will be praying for, is that my stomach ach goes away quickly again, my hospital stay goes smoothly, and the chemotherapy is extremely effective in destroying the cancer within the body.
Once again, I thank all of you for supporting through the long hall of my treatment,
Right now I am feeling so good and yet in the back of my mind I know the time is wearing thin until my body will hit the bricks of chemo. Monday it is back to the hospital to receive all three chemos. Last time I received my VAC, while my body still felt tired and out of it my stomach ach went away by Wednesday, which helped me to feel a lot better than previous VAC recoveries. My prayer requests for this coming week, and what I will be praying for, is that my stomach ach goes away quickly again, my hospital stay goes smoothly, and the chemotherapy is extremely effective in destroying the cancer within the body.
Once again, I thank all of you for supporting through the long hall of my treatment,