Thursday, January 06, 2005

My Friendly Port


This past Monday I had the experience of using my new port for the first time. As the needle inched towards my skin, I braced myself for the pain of an IV but there was none. I found out that having a port makes receiving my chemotherapy virtually painless, which is very nice considering that I receive it on a weekly basis. One thing I don’t like about having a port is that I can’t actually watch the drugs pass through the IV and into my veins. There is just something I like about actually seeing and knowing that the drugs are entering my blood vessels, as strange as that may be. I will stick with using the port though :)

I am very thankful that up till now my chemotherapy treatments have seemed to go as planned with no complications and have been effective in shrinking my tumors. I give God a lot of thanks for this. I ask for prayers that my treatments will only continue to improve in their effectiveness in the treatment of my cancer. I will be receiving all three chemotherapies this coming Monday, so I ask you to pray that everything goes well. In addition, one of my cousins is getting married this coming weekend and I would love to be feeling well enough to attend it with my family.

As I continue my lengthy healing process, I think you all so much for your continued support and prayer.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is so great to see you at the IMS bb games....What an honor to see your smiling face!!! (And I love the IMS hat!!!)

I will continue to pray for you and I will keep thanking God for your healing and for all the miracles that are happening to you.......God is truly amazing!!!
I will pray for you to be able to go and enjoy the wedding too......keep being positive and know that prayers are still being said for you 24/7!!

Phil, jane

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan,
It's Monday morning and I just finished reading your update. I just needed to let you know that after pushing myself to go to the Y yesterday, I had a workout like no other! I was actually able to run for over 2 miles! It was amazing! And after I read that you were having chemo today, I now know why I had such a powerful workout. Each time I workout I pray for you and others to recieve ALL of the energy that I recieve during my workouts. I think about each step I take stamping out your cancer cells. God pushed me hard yesterday to be able to help you get through this round of chemo! He is an AWESOME GOD!! I can't wait to hit the gym tonight!!!! The energy is all yours Nathan. Continue to be strong. You are going to be paid back BIG TIME!!! Thanks for sharing your faith with us!God bless you and your family!
Jolisa Weidner

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, Your courage and candidness is amazing. You are truly a messenger of God and a blessing to many persons. I have wanted to share with you the way I pray for you. Last fall the day you and your parents were coming in to the Health center to discuss your tests, I picked up a brilliant red, perfect mapleleaf in the parking lot of the RFC as I was leaving at 1:00 pm. It seemed so beautiful, I think in contrast to the tremendous sadness that we all felt for you in the health center that day. When I got home, I placed it on the window sill by my kitchen sink as a reminder of you.(You see, I'm that age, lot's of reminders needed!) The leaf on my windowsill has and will continue to spur many, many 'arrow prayers' from the kitchen sink on behalf of you and your family. Please let your parents know that I pray for your family too. PTL for your progress with chemo! Terry, my husband and I are 2 former Hesston classmates, Julie (Bontrager)and Terry Diener. Love, Julie

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, I just want you to know that there are many of
us that do not know you personally that are praying for
you and I am one. I check to see if you have written
daily. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My prayer is
that you continue to stay strong both mentally and physically and that the tumors continue to shrink. I also pray for your family. I feel so very inadequate in
what to say. But I pray that you will be healed by the
one and only great physician, Jesus Christ.
Love and Prayers

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, after I got done praying this morning, I did what I enjoy doing a lot and that is surfing the web, and I found this quote:
Intercession is not just praying for someone else's needs. It is praying with the real hope and real intent that God would step in and act for the good of some specific other person(s) or other entity. It is trusting that God will act, … It is casting our weakness before God's strength, and (at its best) having a bit of God's passion burn in us. (Robert Longman Jr.)

that resonated with my being, because I do expect God to step in and act on behalf of your well being. And I expect that God's passion will continue to burn inside all who lift you and your family up in prayer...passion for healing and passion knowing that God is at work in this world. I sense that passion when I read your entries.
Thank you for letting your passion be seen and read.
May God's presence be very tangible to you this week
until later,

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was visiting some Hesston friends at EMU this past week, and heard about your struggle. I was real shocked, and just wanted to let you know that I'll be praying for you, and think it sucks that you have to go through this. You are such a great guy and anyone who's come in contact with you can tell that God's doing and going to do amazing things with you and your life. Yeah. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you've got some Minnesota prayers going up for you.

Jill Swiers

10:57 PM  

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