Monday, October 13, 2008

good news

We received great news at the visit with the oncologist today. He did not recommend any further treatment for Nathan at this time. Nathan will have scans again in November to watch for any further nodules. The doctor left the room saying he thinks Nathan will do great. :) We were excited to hear this. Nathan said, "It's too good to be true". We humbly thank God for this news today.
Tim, Carol, & Nathan

Thursday, October 09, 2008

biopsy results

Greetings All,

We received word today from the doctor's office that the growth removed from Nathan's right lung was the Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. This was not the news we wanted to hear. We have an appointment with Nathan's oncologist on Monday to discuss the findings and plan for the strategy ahead. We don't know what kind of treatment plan this will mean if any. Hopefully they will say that with the removal of this growth, they were able to get all the cancer and we will just have to keep a close eye on the lung area for awhile. We will know more after our appointment on Monday. Needless to say this is a disappointment. Being two and a half years post treatment, we were starting to feel as though we had this thing licked. Hopefully this was just a single occurrence and no more tumors will start to grow. Cancer is so unpredictable and seems to have a mind of its own which adds to the stress of living with this monster. The doctor still gives us hope that this cancer is curable. We know we are all in God's hands. Keep Nathan and us in your prayers as I am sure you are already. Blessings to you all,

Tim, Carol and Nathan

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Surgery Went Well

Greetings All,

We want to give you an update on Nathan’s surgery yesterday (Tuesday, September 30). We praise God because everything went well. The surgeon was able to remove the nodule in the lung with 3 small incisions called thoracoscopy surgery. This was a much less invasive surgery and the recovery time is much faster. Nathan was even able to come home with us last night. We give thanks to God that the nodule came out easily! The nodule was sent to pathology for testing so we won’t know the pathology report for several more days. On Monday we also learned that the CT of the abdomen and pelvis that was taken on Friday did not show any new growth of cancer tumors. For this we are very thankful. Thanks for remembering Nathan and our family in your prayers.

Tim, Carol and Nathan