MRI Results
During the middle of last week, I noticed that my eyes were seeing double vision at long distances. The last time I experienced vision problems, the tumor in my brain had grown large enough to affect my eyes with pain. Therefore, we called my oncologist to ask him about the double vision. To be safe he had me come up to the hospital the next day for an MRI (Brain scan). Fortunately, the MRI showed that the “dead” tumor cells have shrunk since my last MRI, which was very exciting for my whole family. Additionally, during that day the double vision went away, which is also very relieving because even simply sitting around on the couch is frustrating when you see two of everything just a ways away from your eyes. It feels good to be seeing normal again. The doctors only concern was a small abnormality at the base of my brain. He doesn’t believe it is cancer, but possibly a side effect from receiving radiation.