Wednesday, December 28, 2005

MRI Results

During the middle of last week, I noticed that my eyes were seeing double vision at long distances. The last time I experienced vision problems, the tumor in my brain had grown large enough to affect my eyes with pain. Therefore, we called my oncologist to ask him about the double vision. To be safe he had me come up to the hospital the next day for an MRI (Brain scan). Fortunately, the MRI showed that the “dead” tumor cells have shrunk since my last MRI, which was very exciting for my whole family. Additionally, during that day the double vision went away, which is also very relieving because even simply sitting around on the couch is frustrating when you see two of everything just a ways away from your eyes. It feels good to be seeing normal again. The doctors only concern was a small abnormality at the base of my brain. He doesn’t believe it is cancer, but possibly a side effect from receiving radiation.


Thursday, December 22, 2005


I got home from the hospital yesterday but during the evening I noticed that I began to see double vision when looking into the distance. I also still have the chance of getting my fever back, so keep that in your prayers. In order to check out my double vision, I will be going to the hospital tomorrow morning for an MRI. I am praying that the tumor in my brain is not re-growing and causing visual problems.

I hope you all have a great Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Fever again . . .

Some quick but unfortunate news; I had been recovering at home with my fever but today the fever kept rising and I ended up having to come to the hospital once again. My doctor who let me stay home decided that I would probably recover quicker if I had some IV antibiotics as well as the oral ones he gave me. My goal then is to stay here for as little time as possible. I need prayers for more white blood cells to develop so that my fever can once again return to normal. Until I go home, I will be sucking down Tylenol to help my fevers stay lower. My other challenge is stomach pain which is most likely from receiving the chemotherapy I had. It is rather uncomfortable.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Old Chemo Memories

The last two chemotherapy treatments that I have undergone have brought back a lot memories of my previous chemotherapies. After this treatment this past week, I began to remember the stomach aches, physical, and mental challenges of receiving chemotherapy. I walked out of the hospital this past week fairly fatigued and with a discomforted stomach. Both of those can be very tiring. But, I still walked away from the hospital and I still have a lot of trust in health once again!

Right now my biggest prayer concern is to stay out of the hospital until my next scheduled treatment. That means my white blood cells need to stay high enough for me to remain fever free.

One additional and yet positive effect, if you don’t want to shave your face chemotherapy is a great bonus :)


Monday, December 05, 2005

More Chemo

I was checked back into the hospital today to receive another round of chemotherapy. My blood work came back showing that I was healthy enough to receive another week of chemotherapy. Once again I would appreciate your prayers for physical and mental strength as well as for protection for my healthy cells as the chemotherapy really doesn’t see much difference between any cells that grows quickly. Over all, I continue to need God’s strength and protection.

I additionally want to tell you all that I had a wonderful birthday celebration last weekend. I spent some time with close friends as well as with my family.
