Monday, December 12, 2005

Old Chemo Memories

The last two chemotherapy treatments that I have undergone have brought back a lot memories of my previous chemotherapies. After this treatment this past week, I began to remember the stomach aches, physical, and mental challenges of receiving chemotherapy. I walked out of the hospital this past week fairly fatigued and with a discomforted stomach. Both of those can be very tiring. But, I still walked away from the hospital and I still have a lot of trust in health once again!

Right now my biggest prayer concern is to stay out of the hospital until my next scheduled treatment. That means my white blood cells need to stay high enough for me to remain fever free.

One additional and yet positive effect, if you don’t want to shave your face chemotherapy is a great bonus :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan: it was good to see you at the IMS concert yesterday, even though you reported that you were tired and left immediately. I'm glad you can find some humor and bright spots in this fight (the clean-shaven reference!). I know that this is your physical battle and though many of us would gladly take it from you even for a little while, we can't. Know that for me, i continue to lift you in prayer for your strength and your courage and your health of course. but my most fervent prayer is that you, along with your family, will find pockets of joy in the robe of protection that God has placed around your life. You are loved, Nathan.
Julie at CCCC

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, It is good to hear that you walked out of the hospital and our prayer is that your white blood count will continue to remain high enough so that no infections develop and that you can remain home during the month of Dec. May God renew your strenghth and keep you under the cover of his wings. We love your sense of humor and the fact that you can find a positive of not having to shave during this time. However, we're sure that some day you will be thankful to get those whiskers back and be able to shave.
Much love, Uncle Carl and Elaine

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

encouragement to you and your family: the French author Simone Weil writes in her notebook:"Waiting patiently in expectation is the foundation of the spiritual life." Without patience our expectation degenerates into wishful thinking. Patience comes from the word "patior" which means "to suffer"...What seems a hindrance becomes a way; what seems an obstacle becomes a door; what seems a misfit becomes a cornerstone.--Henri Nouwen
LORD, give us patience so that we may truly see obstacles as the doors, the "not-quite-rights" of life as foundation, our sufferings and indifference as eventual gateways to good works, to diligent service, and to our inheritance of salvation. Make the challenges on our spiritual journey into opportunities to say "yes" to your love. Amen
ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS WISDOM FROM HENRI J. M. NOUWEN BLessings to you as I pray in the SPIRIT for the healing of you body and the cooperation of your cells with the process. lgoertzen

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, When I was a lifeguard there were many cancer patients who came in to swim, "float around" during their chemo. I know this was one way they were able to relax and feel refreshed. Often they would use something to help keep them a float in case they fell asleep. I know God is the ultimate physician and He can give you strengh, but he also created water too.

1:32 PM  

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