Sunday, September 25, 2005

Radiation Treatment Continues

Last we wrote, Nathan was still in the hospital. He was released Wednesday afternoon, 9/21. Stem cells were harvested on Mon, Tues, Wed. – a five hour process each day. Close to 2 million cells were harvested. They wanted to try to get more Thurs and Fri but his platelet count was too low, so they have decided they have enough. Originally they wanted 3 million cells. Nathan is feeling really tired and weak. Friday, the radiation oncologist said the plan is for 4 more weeks of radiation - Monday through Friday - unless the plan changes. Pray for Nathan to have renewed strength, to rebuild platelets, and for the radiation to be effective on the brain tumor. The plan is to begin chemotherapy treatment sometime following the four-week radiation treatments. Thank you for your ongoing prayer support which enables us to face the journey ahead with God’s help and strength. Without God’s help and the support of family, friends and the church community the journey ahead would seem too overwhelming. May God bless you all,

Tim & Carol

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

More Radiation Treatment

Greetings all,
Once again we are writing for Nathan since he is in the hospital and doesn't have easy access to a computer. With the return of Nathan’s brain tumor which resulted in his hospitalization on Thursday, Sept. 15 the treatment plan has changed somewhat. On Friday, the doctors determined it would be best to treat the tumor area with radiation instead of more surgery. He has received radiation treatment everyday since last Friday and will continue to get a radiation treatment everyday through Friday of this week. Following this week, he will continue with the radiation treatments five days a week for the next four weeks. The doctors are also harvesting Nathan’s stem cells from his blood in preparation for chemo and bone marrow transplant down the road – we are not sure when that will happen yet. The harvesting of stem cells began on Monday and will hopefully be finished tomorrow (Wednesday). At the end of his radiation treatments, they will do another full body MRI to see where things are at and to determine the next steps. Continue to pray that the radiation treatments will shrink the tumor and destroy the cancer cells. Pray that God will give Nathan strength throughout this process. It makes him very tired. Continue to pray for the doctors and medical staff at the university hospital and remember us in your prayers also. If things go well, Nathan may get to come home tomorrow (Wednesday) following his stem cell collection and radiation treatment. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Tim & Carol

Friday, September 16, 2005

Life At the University

Well, here I am again enjoying my life at the University Hospital. After telling one of my doctors yesterday about my headache she decided it would be smart if I stayed in the hospital over night. I am now stuck up here for at least three to four days. The shorter the better! Today I received my first radiation which was quite a bit of a surprise. As I was receiving the MRI, my parents were able to look at the results as they were developing. Then 30 minutes later I was on the MRI table receiving my first round of radiation. It was a very unpainful event, but as the radiation continues, I will continue to feel more fatigue throughout my body. Not something I am really looking forward to, but I suppose it will happen. Right now my biggest prayer concern is finding activities to keep myself busy while I am stuck in the hospital and that the radiation can be effective in treating the rhabdomysarcoma. In addition, continue to pray that my stem cells will continue to multiply.

With Peace,

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Treatment Begins (again)

This last Monday was a very busy day. I met with more doctors than I remember meeting with ever before. We started off not knowing if I should be going up, but as it turned out it was well worth the visit. I met with one of the doctors from the bone marrow transplant unit, a person who will be taking out my stem cells, and I was able to see the bone marrow transplant center. In addition, I even was able to see my traditional doctors. In other words, my insurance company has decided to allow me to receive the bone marrow treatment. This means I will start receiving an injection to increase the stem cells in my blood vessels. And, starting Monday I will begin to give my stem cells out to be frozen and saved for when I need it again. A major down side in the whole harvesting process is the time it takes for the stem cells to be extracted from my blood. It is a whopping four to five hours every day. I hope it can last as short as possible. I would appreciate it if you could remember that in your prayers as I will begin it next week.

With Love,

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


A fundraiser is being organized for Nathan Detweiler on Saturday, October 15, 2005, from 4:30 - 7:30 pm at Iowa Mennonite School, 1421 540th Street SW, Kalona, Iowa. A meal and silent auction are planned.

If you are interested in participating in any way please contact Becky Widmer ( / 319-653-4714) or Jane Davis ( /319-653-7092) and we will be happy to include you in this event!

Fundraiser Details:

NATHAN DETWEILER BENEFIT SUPPER- A fundraiser will be held at Iowa Mennonite School on Saturday, October 15, 2005, to help defray medical expenses of Nathan Detweiler, son of Tim and Carol Detweiler. A turkey steak supper will begin at 4:30 PM with an auction of donated items running concurrently. Cash donations and items for the silent auction may be sent to Washington Mennonite Church, 815 East Polk, Washington, Iowa, 52353, or dropped off at Federation Banks in Washington, Wellman, Brighton, or Richland, Iowa. Call Myron Graber at 319-653-1674, Larry Pickard at 319-656-2145, or Craig Davis at 319-653-7092 for details, for pick up of items, or for more information.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Little Information

I had another doctor visit on Tuesday, but like the last visit I didn’t learn a lot of new information. My last two doctor appointments seemed to be more for the doctors to check out my recovery from my brain surgery. While that is important, it is harder to wait around three hours every time I go to the hospital. And, I don’t have to wait three hours every time, but at times it seems more common than I feel it should be. What we are waiting on now is for my insurance company to give me the “ok” to receive the bone marrow transplant. I had a dentist appointment today to fulfill one of the last requirements for my insurance health care provider. As I become healthier I want my bone marrow transplant to start as soon as possible so that I am not completely back to normal before falling down again from more chemotherapy. If you could continue to remember me in your prayers as I am preparing to harvest my stem cells.

With love,
