Friday, April 15, 2005

Back Home

Walking through the heavy metal swinging doors at the hospital is a wonderful feeling; that is when walking from the inside out. While I am thankful to be able to go to the hospital when I am not feeling well and for treatment, it is always a joy to be able to leave again. I was able to come home yesterday afternoon, which is a little bit earlier than the norm. But, I had no problem with that since the doctors felt I would be able to recover at home with an oral antibiotic. I have some sort of sinus infection and am still recovering from it, but I am doing a lot better and my temperature isn’t a high fever like it had been Tuesday night and Wednesday. Additionally, in 24 hours my white blood count quadrupled in number. After my blood test came back and my nurse looked at my white blood count numbers, she looked at me and said, “your body must have been really busy last night.” My white blood cell numbers are still low, but better than what they were. I want to thank you all for the many prayers that helped my bone marrow make white blood cells and helped me to have a relatively short visit to the hospital. I am thankful the infection I have isn’t serious and I look forward to when it is completely gone.

God answers prayer,

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Prayer Request

Greetings All,
This is an update to let you know that Nathan's white blood cell count is very low. He developed a fevor in the night last night and we had to take him to the hospital where he is at the present time. The low white blood cell count is due to the chemotherapy. He will be in untill his white cell count comes up and his fevor is under control. Last time this happened he was in for two days. Please keep Nathan in your prayers. Pray that his body will produce the white blood cells he needs and that he will be protected from any life threatening infections during this time. This is also the weekend for our church's dinner theater that Carol and I are in. We ask for your prayers also during this time. We are so very greatful to all of you who are lifting Nathan and us in your prayers. Our God is an awesome God and is faithful in keeping all his promises. We know God's presence is with us. Thank you for your prayers!

Nathan's Parents