Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back to Goshen College

I have begun to take the next step towards finishing what I had started before having to go home for almost two years. I once again am living in Goshen and planning on finishing my undergraduate degree in social work. When I first thought about coming back, I thought about how many people I just wouldn’t know. But, as I get closer to taking classes, I am realizing that I know more people around here than I thought I would. And that is great. My first class, Jesus and the Gospels, will be tomorrow at one. I will also be starting my internship this coming Thursday morning. My internship is at La Casa and I believe I will be working with low income housing situations. I am looking forward to be working as a social worker again. I am also living in a brand new house with William Leichty. It is a nice place to be living. I went into the dorms today and it just felt so good that I wasn’t living on campus!

Now that I am back in the swing of being around more young people, I once again feel the need to remain as healthy as possible. That is apart of my prayers every night. And now that I have a difficulty with reading, it is a bit scary to start taking classes again. I would appreciate your prayers for me as I work with this difficulty. I need to have a lot of peace, understanding, and patience as I go through this struggle.

With peace,

Monday, August 07, 2006

Large Smiles

This past week I had a headache, and anymore a headache is a scary thing for me to have. But today I received great news that my headache did not come from cancer in my brain! Rather, my MRI and CT scan showed that there was nothing to be concerned about. When my parents and I heard this our faces were full of smiles! This means that I have gone six months without having any cancer return to my body. My body is healthy! I must give thanks to God for the past six months of great health.

This coming Wednesday (8/9/06) I will be going back to the hospital for my neuropsyche tests. From this test, the doctors will be able to tell the college what help I need with my reading disability. When I first had my head surgery, I could barely remember how to read, and people’s names were far from my brain. While my reading has improved and I can remember more names, they both still aren’t as good as they were.

I will also be getting my port taken out of my chest this coming Monday (8/14/06). While I have gotten used to having my port, it will be nice not to have it in me anymore.

Right now I am at peace,