Tuesday, April 04, 2006


My parents and I are thankful that life has been relatively restful since getting back home; that is until last night. According to my mother, she heard loud noises coming from my room. With a bit of worry, she groped her way through the dark into my room. And to her surprise I was not in my bed. Rather, as she told me, I was no where to be found. Then she felt a cold breeze blowing through the room. She approached the window to see me dancing in nothing but my shorts on top of the roof.

Lately I have had the feeling that my blog has become quite boring, so this story is to jazz it up a bit. I have to keep everyone interested :) I have never sleep walked in my life, and I don’t plan on it either. If nothing else, you will either think I am really stupid or you will smile. I hope you are all smiling. I don’t think my dad is smiling :) My mom and I are laughing out loud. I guess that tells you how well I am feeling right now.

Back to what is actually happening to me . . . I shared what I have learned during the past two years of treatment at Wayland Mennonite Church. Some of the things that I have learned include:

1.Having cancer is not a punishment from God for anything that I have done or not done.
2.Going through hard and easy times in life is a learning experience. During life, we are to learn about God, ourselves, and our relationships with others.
3.Even those who are sick have a purpose in life.
4.Doctors are important, but God is the most important part of my life. As I have been going through this experience, I have really enjoyed my connection with God and the many prayers all of you have been praying. I know God is present in my life and I trust Him.

These are a few of the things that I have been thinking about lately. They are lessons that have been brought to me as I have been learning from the last two years of killing cancer. This experience has really influenced my life, and I am thankful for what I have learned.

Once again, I want to thank you all for your prayers as my reading and word recognition continues to improve. I am also excited and thrilled with my physical health.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp. ps 149:3

I enjoyed the picture you 'painted' us in your blog entry....it brought a smile to my face!
I just wanted you to know the visual picture that stood out for me from your sharing on Sunday was when you said that you felt like you were grabbing God's hand as you were falling off a cliff, and by God's grace you were smart enough not to let go...I liked that image. We would all be "smart" to do the same!
God bless you Nathan, as God continues to work in you, and through you.

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nathan, as my 15 year old daughter would say, you are such a prankster! I thought your story was true, but was glad to find out you were just using your brilliant sense of humor! I don't think your blog is ever dull. I look forward to each message that you have for us. You always find a positive in even the darkest of situations. God's light shines in you. I thank God that you are able to share with so many people the experience you are having and your attitude is one of hope during this horrible nightmare that cancer is (or that I believe it to be). Much love to you and your family. Erika

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I was reading your blog I couldn't help but think of our time in Paraguay and what would have happened if the houseparents ever caught you out in the middle of the night in just your shorts! You certainly wouldn't have heard the end of it! I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling well, and that all those prayers have made their way to you. Que Dios te bendiga ricamente,

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A cheerful heart is good medicine ... Proverbs 17:22 :)

Thanks again for your willingness to share your experiences for the glory of God. My presentation went well ... I have a feeling you'll have some new readers of your blog! :) Blessings. ><>
Joyful in Jesus,

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt laugh a lot!
...in my humble opinion, this would have made a great 11th commandment.
love you, Nathan- passion, compassion, humor, and style- you have them all- keep it up!

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am laughing Nathan at your dancing story (this is So not you when your a wake) and you know my laugh... Thanks for keeping me up to date; and your blog has not been boring! The things you have learned are great to here coming from the person that had to go through such a hard time and issue and I know it's not over all together, but I am glad for you that you are able to look back so openly about your experience. I hope you are also able to look forward to have a good summer. God bless you Nathan, Keep up the high spirits you naturally have been given from God.

4:07 PM  

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