Monday, March 13, 2006

Guardedly Excited

I received the results today about my CT and MRI scans from last Wednesday. It was good news to hear the results. My doctor went over my scans explaining how all the remaining tumor cells in my chest, abdomen and brain seem to be necrotic. She explained to me how they look dead and have not gotten any bigger and even better some have decreased in size. Additionally, the fungal area in my right lung has decreased in size. My blood work also came back at a similar level as I have had since leaving the hospital.

While I received a lot of good news, the CT scan did reveal three tiny lesions in my liver. The doctors felt that it is not something to be alarmed about but needs to be watched. My next visit with my doctors will be in a month and my next scans will be in three months.

From the medical standpoint my main doctor feels that I am doing very well. But, I believe there is more to healing than just medical treatment, so I would still appreciate prayer. I am going to continue to pray that cancer cells will not flair up, the lesions in my liver don’t cause problems, and my blood cell levels continue to increase. I also need to remain free from infections, viruses and fungi as I am still recovering from my stem cell transplant.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Nathan...Praise the Lord again and again! As you continue to pray for continued healing, we'll continue right along beside you. You are precious to God, and He has, and will continue, to take care of you. Continue to trust Him. I think there is a "continue" theme going on here! (o: Peace be with you, Nathan. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
Hugs & blessings,
Tammy N.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nathan, We are so thankful that your checkup went well! We thank GOD for his care for you Nathan! You are in our prayers every day, and your family as well. Thank you for your example of courage and faith to all of us! Love, Myron, Shannon, Kayla, and Austin.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Since we haven't heard from you in a while, I am assuming that things are going well and that you are enjoying some days of "normalcy." I have found that regular ordinary days, one right after the other, are a real blessing that I never fully appreciated before my cancer. I pray that you are having normal days and that you have many more to come.

Marilyn Eigsti

3:48 PM  

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