Monday, May 15, 2006

More Peace

I had my scheduled doctors appointment today filled with a CT scan, MRI, and a visit with my doctors. And once again my doctors are pleased with how I am doing. This means that my dead cancer cells have either shrunk or at least stayed the same size. Believe it or not, I don’t have to always wear my mask now (I might still wean away from it though). In addition, my blood counts have been on the rise, still not normal, but are higher than they have been since my stem cell transplant! There is always a catch though, as my dad says every time I go in for new scans. The doctors have noticed that there is a new growth on my left hip bone that showed up first in my first scan after my stem cell transplant but has grown a bit since then. They are not worried about it being cancerous, but they do want me to have a bone scan next week just to get a better picture of the growth and to see if there are any other growths that are still unseen.

Once again, I want to thank you all for your many prayers and staying with me through this experience. During the joyful and painful times of this journey, I am learning a lot about my relationship with God and I hope you all are learning a lot as well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


It was so good to have you in our home on Saturday. We enjoyed our visit with you and Mark. It's been a while since our encyclopedias have received so much use!

I'm glad your tests came out as well as they did. I'll be praying for you in regards to the new growth that it would be nothing of consequence.

Marilyn Eigsti

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't help but grow in our faith from knowing you, Nathan! Praying your scan next week shows nothing "remarkable"...isn't that the medical term we all want to avoid?! (-: God's grace be with you~
The Negretes

10:40 AM  

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