Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Radiation Finished

I stepped out of the hospital today with a plastic helmet in my hand. The nurses that give me radiation gave it to me as today was my last day to receive radiation. And it feels good to be done. I am actually feeling stronger right now than when I started receiving radiation, which feels great. As I have said before, receiving radiation feels a lot different than chemotherapy. As a total, I received 31 days of radiation. They started targeting my cancer tumor and then moved to my whole brain for the last nine treatments. Right now I am looking at two to three week break from receiving treatments, so I have to find things to do to stay busy. My next trip to the hospital will be this coming Monday when I go to see my chemo doctors once again. Please remember to pray for God’s wisdom as my they determine my next chemotherapy. I also want to once again thank you all for the many prayers you continuously send to God. I really appreciate them all.

I also want to thank everyone who was involved with my fundraiser on October 15th. I should have put this on the blog earlier, but now is the time. I enjoyed the time very much and the money that was raised will help me out a lot. Thank you very much for your generosity.

With love,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to thank YOU and your family for agreeing to let your friends sponsor the fundraiser. It really helped us all Nathan to feel like we could do something to make a difference. It will be a night we will never forget. The love that was in that school that evening was awesome! It was wonderful to see so many people from so many faiths. With so much uncertainty in our world today, the night was a blessing to many. You are an incredible person Nathan. Thank you for all you do to help us to remain faithful! It is through Him that all things are possible.

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan, just wanted to say good morning! I thank God that you are done with your radiation treatments. Thank you for the example of courage and wonderful faith that you continue to set for all of us! I was reading my devotions this morning and found this: They are his billows, and he brings us through them; So He has promised, so His love will do. Keeping and leading, guiding and upholding. To his sure harbor, He will bring us through! Prying in FAITH for your healing! Your cousin, Mike.

7:31 AM  

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