Wednesday, January 11, 2006

In the Bone Marrow Unit

I am writing to let you know that Nathan is now in the Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit at UIHC. He was admitted on Monday. His treatment begins with eight days of aggressive chemotherapy and then his stem cell transplant. We were told to expect about a four week stay. The chemo will destroy the bone marrow and the stem cells will hopefully rejuvenate it following the eight days of chemo. So far Nathan is receiving the chemo as well as can be expected. His sickest days will come the weeks after chemo. The biggest side effect he is experiencing now is some nausea and tiredness. The chemo he is receiving now requires that he showers four times a day. The body excretes it through the skin and it is important to keep it washed off. He is able to get out and walk up and down the hall here in the unit, which he tries to do twice a day. During the chemo phase of Nathan’s treatment, Carol and I are taking turns staying up over night with Nathan. Prayer Requests: Pray that the chemo will destroy all the cancer that lingers in Nathan’s body and that Nathan’s body organs will be protected and not damaged by the chemo. Pray for protection from life threatening illnesses during this time. Pray that Nathan will have the strength he needs for each day. Pray for the doctors/nurses/staff that work here on the bone marrow unit. Pray for Carol and I as we journey with Nathan during this time (also remember Caleb & Erika). Erika started school at Eastern Mennonite University in January. Jane Davis gave us some chalk that was blessed for use during Epiphany. We wrote a blessing with this chalk above Nathan’s hospital room door – “Peace be with this house (room) and all who live (and enter) here. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” We wish you God’s peace and blessing in your household as well. Thank you for your prayers and supportive care.

Tim & Carol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just now got to computer to read e-mail and check blog. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Nathan. You have been very brave and it has been a hard year and we are all looking forward to you finishing your treatment and becoming healthy again. We are enjoying our daughter and family's visit this week. The weather has been pretty good and we are having a good time with Roger's brothers too. Hang in there Nathan. God loves you and so do we.

Roger and Joanne

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nathan,
The sun was shining brightly this morning as Dick and I prayed for you and your family. May you keep focusing on light and the fact that God is our refuge and stength, a very present help in trouble. Ps. 46:1
You have one week almost behind you! Keep the faith and know that we are praying for you that your body stays strong and that those cancer cells are flushed away forever!!!
You have so many people who love you and are praying for you. Never forget that.
Susan and Dick

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nathan, You are in our family prayers tonight as always! We are praying in FAITH for your healing to GOD's glory. May the Peace of the Lord guard you heart and mind in Christ Jesus! Love, Mike, Shannon, Kayla, and Austin.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note to let you know that we are praying for you. I have shared your story with my Bible study and also with our congregation. I will be sharing the latest news with our congregation tomorrow morning. We will continue to think of you and pray for you and your family. May you all feel the Lord's presence and peace as you go through each day! Love, Connie Zehr for Keith, Nina, Jared and Maggie

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan,
I am not sure if you are able to use a computer while you are in isolation or not. I heard that you were sort of bored and needed ways to be entertained. If you have access to a computer there are a couple puzzles sites that I enjoy doing. They are actually kind of addictive. :-)
They are: and the other is

I pray that all goes well in these next treatments. I really do believe the stem cells will work. It's amazing what kinds of strides they have made using them. I pray for you to be more comfortable, and for your body to ward off any germs or illnesses and I pray for the time to go quickly for you.
You are amazingly strong as you have thousands of people praying for you. I do believe in the power of prayer.

Linda Soukup

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought we would drop you a line and let you know we made it to Indiana and things are well. We are living in the middle of horse & buggy country dodging the ???? on the road!!! Sure is much different than living in Colorado!!!! Char and I remember you and your family in our prayers. You are covered with the prayers of many people and God will sustain you through this time trail and treatment. Wish we could be there to sit with you during this time of waiting. Blessings and take care.
Shalom, Ron R.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you always.We have been so blessed to be a part of your prayer chain. We need to ask for prayers from your family and friends for blessing upon my twin nephews and their parents. They were born very prematurely yesterday (Jan. 16th) They were not due until the end of April. The are in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Iowa. Please forgive me for using your website, I just need to get them all the prayers I can get, and I know you have millions of connections! We thank Jesus for the first blessing that my niece and the babies made it through delivery, and that there family made it in time to be there. We also praise Him for the wonderful staff at the University.My sister has another grandchild due in a few weeks that also could use our prayers.
Thank you Jesus for blessings received today.
Your friends,
Larry and Jo Weidner

8:42 AM  

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