Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Journey Continues

Greetings All,

Many of you have been wondering about where things are at with Nathan following the removal of his brain tumor last Thursday. We met with the radiologist and with Nathan’s oncologist this afternoon. Because of the nature of Nathan’s cancer and the location in the brain, the doctors are putting together a treatment plan that will be rather aggressive. It will likely involve another 8 more months of treatment including an aggressive chemo treatment, radiation and bone marrow transplant. The chemo with this plan will require Nathan to be hospitalized more often (approx. 5 days every 4 weeks). Nathan will also begin occupational and speech therapy to help with the short-term memory loss and reading challenges caused from this surgery. The next eight months will likely be a long and difficult journey for Nathan and for us. We are so very grateful for the progress Nathan continues to make each day. We believe that with time, therapy and especially with God’s help, Nathan will continue to make good progress in his recovery from surgery. When Nathan was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma in Oct. ’04, I knew we were in for a long and difficult journey ahead. I did not know then how long and how difficult it would be. As we prepare ourselves to begin all over again with another aggressive treatment plan for Nathan, I still do not know how long and how difficult the journey ahead will be for Nathan and for us. However, I do know that we do not walk this journey alone. God walks this journey with us and will continue to give us the wisdom, strength and courage we need to face what lies ahead. God has also blessed us with a wonderful supportive family, church family and friends that extend around the world. We are so grateful to you all who hold Nathan and us up in your prayers. God bless you all,

Tim & Carol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the very regular updates via the blog. We keep these posted on the bulletin board here at East Goshen Church. My heart is heavy for you all. I have been moved by the music responses you have received from some of your recent blog entries. The image of a storm speaks well of not only the emotional upheaval in your lives, but also a bit of how I am feeling and praying for you.

Our congregational prayer for the upcoming week focuses on "Lament" and is from Psalm 102:

Hear my prayer, O Lord;
Let my cry come to you.
My days pass away like smoke,
And my bones burn like a furnace.
My heart is stricken and withered like grass…
For I eat ashes like bread,
And mingle tears with my drink.
But you, O Lord, are enthroned forever;
Your name endures to all generations.
You will rise up and have compassion.
(Psalm 102:1, 3-4, 9, 12-13)

May your times of deep distress be offset with the realization of God's nearness and deep love for you. Deep Joy! Merle Hostetler

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,
Just as the rain showers have blessed us here the past few days I pray that the peace, love and presence of Christ will shower down upon you in this difficult time. "In the Lord I take refuge". Sharon

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim and Carol,
Thank you for continuing to keep us all updated. I continue to pray for all of you during this difficult time. May you continue to feel God's presence surrounding you and holding you up.
Ruth Stoltzfus

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear detweilers,
it's good to get the updates although my heart is filled with sorrow at this setback in nathan's recovery. i pray daily for his health and continuing good spirits (still glad he didn't lose his laughing and smiling ability!). could you pass this message along to nate if he isn't up to speed and able to read it himself? thanks!

dear nathan,
my heart is with you constantly and much of idaho is praying for you. i wish there was more i could do for a great friend such as you, but for now, long distance hugs is the most i can do.

with love and blessings,
rachel slatter

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nathan, Tim, Carol, and family, hello from Indiana! Just wanted to let you all know that you are in our thoughts and prayers today, and everyday. Thank you for your demonstration of persevering FAITH during this time, it is an example for us all. We pray that all of you may experience strength, peace, and God's presence everyday. Nathan we pray in Faith for your healing! Love, Myron, Shannon, Kayla, and Austin.

4:05 PM  

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